Categories: Criminal law

Statutes of Limitations in all 50 States

A statute of limitations is a law that prohibits prosecutors accuse someone of a crime that was committed more than a certain number of years. The overall purpose of the statute of limitations is to ensure that the sentences handed down only to (physical or eyewitness) evidence that have not deteriorated over time. After the expiry of the period of the law, the offender is basically free.

Statutes of limitations generally require that the offender does not leave the state, which has a paid job and visible, ie it is necessary that the offender is “catchable”. If the authorities fail to discover a visible offender within a specified period of time, society has determined that the offender should be able to live free from the possibility of prosecution. It seems that this idea was born of a sense of mercy rather than pragmatic: if the offender is a fugitive outside the state in which the crime was committed, or living in hiding, this slows or suspends the statute of limitations. (Once the offender re-enters the state, the prescription is rebooted.) However, if the offender was living an open and public life, called life “reformed” after a reasonable period of time is allowed to be Free capture.

Not all crimes are governed by statutes of limitation. Murder, for example, has none. Sexual offenses involving minors, crimes of violence, kidnapping, arson and forgery have no statute of limitations in several states. In Arizona and California, crimes related to public money or public records have no statute of limitations. In Colorado, betrayal has no statute of limitations.

Many states have adopted systems that classify serious crimes by category. Therefore, in order to effectively compare the provisions of the statute of limitations, you need to determine what crimes fit tutorials in each state. For example, Missouri details the murder or Class A felony offenses without prescription. So every crime must be sought in the laws of that state to determine their classification.


15-3-1 and subsequent

Arson; forgery; any capital offense; the use, attempted use or threat of violence; serious crime with serious death / injury; any sexual offense towards a child under 16 years; drug trafficking: none; other serious crimes: 3 years; conversion of state revenues or county: 6; take or temporarily use the property of another person illegally: 30 days

12 months

The prosecution begins to issue an indictment, issue a warrant of arrest or a binding order on the defendant


12.10.010 et seq

Homicide: none; 10 years for certain violent offenses; aggravated sexual abuse to a minor: no; other serious crimes: five years, any offense involving fraud or breach of fiduciary duty, improper conduct of officials in public office: extension of one year after the crime discovered, with a maximum extension of three years.

5 years

If the offender is hidden out of state, maximum extension of three years when the prosecution against the accused for the same conduct is pending in this state.



Homicide, violent sexual assault, misuse of public funds, falsification of public documents: None; other serious crimes: 7 years

1 year; Kick: 6 months

Absent from the state or not reasonably ascertainable residence in the state; identity unknown



Homicide: none; violation: 15 years; And felonies and class A: 6; felony class B, C, D or unclassified: 3 years; if the fault involves fraud or breach of fiduciary duties: 1 year; criminal conduct in public office: 5 years with a maximum extension to 10 years; if offense against children and the limitation period has not expired since the victim turned 18, the period of limitation for the crime begins to come of age.

1 year

Continually absent from the state or without residence or work in the state reasonably ascertainable, maximum extension of three years when the prosecution of the accused for the same conduct is pending in this state.


Cod. pen. §§799 et seq

Homicide, other crimes punishable by death or life imprisonment, embezzlement of public funds: None; offenses punishable by eight or more years in prison: 6; offenses punishable by imprisonment: 3 years

1 year; misdemeanor violation committed against a child under 14 years: three years; sexual exploitation by doctor or therapist: 2 years

It is not in the state, maximum extension of three years; the limitation period does not begin until the crime is discovered or should have discovered



Homicide; attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit murder; kidnapping attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit kidnapping; treason, attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit treason; any falsification regardless of the expected penalty attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit any falsification regardless of the expected punishment: None; sexual assault, aggravated incest, trafficking or sexual exploitation of children, inciting child prostitution, procuring or hiring a child: 10 years; other serious crimes: 3 years (bribery and abuse of public office: 3 year extension, sexual offenses against children under 15 years of age: 7 years of extension)

18 months; crimes of class I and II and traffic violations: 1 year; Kick: 6 months; third-degree sexual assault: 5 years

Absent State: five years maximum extension


54-193 and subsequent

Capital murder or felony Class A: None; if imprisonment is more than 1 year: 5 years; other: 1 year; sexual abuse, exploitation or assault: 30 years after the victim reaches the age of majority or 5 years from the date of the complaint of the victim, whichever comes first (5 years maximum); when DNA is available for crimes of sexual assault: 20 years if the DNA tests establish the identity of the person who committed the crime and the victim gave notice to the police within five years of crime

1 year

Flee or live out of state


Title 11 §205 (a), (b), (h), (c), (e), (i)

Murder, attempted murder; Class A felony, attempted felony Class A: None; other: 5 years unless there is forensic DNA evidence, in which case it is 10 years; any offense involving forgery, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty theft or misuse of property; misconduct in public office: 3 additional years; any sexual offense to a victim under 18 years of age

Class A: 3 years; others: 2 years

Flee or evade justice and initiated legal action



First degree murder or second degree: None; other serious crimes in first and second grade: 6; all other crimes: 3 years; unless the crime includes an official misconduct, fraud or breach of fiduciary trust: up to 9 years for felony, misdemeanor 6 years

3 years

Flee or legal action already undertaken



Felony followed by death: none; perjury in official proceedings related to the prosecution of a capital offense: none; capital crime or felony with life imprisonment: none; felony of the first and second-degree abuse or neglect of an elderly or disabled adult: 5 years; other: 3 years; another felony, violation of securities transactions: 5 years; violation of environmental control: 5 years from the date of discovery; any crime involving fraud or breach of fiduciary duty is an essential element: 3 years; misconduct in public office: within two years of leaving public office or any prior prescription, whichever is greater; sexual offenses (assault, assault, sex with under 18) will become effective after the child reaches age 16 or when the violation is alleged, whichever comes first.

Other misdemeanor of the first degree: 2 years; second-degree rape without penal character: 1 Year

Continually absent from the state, without residence or work in the reasonably ascertainable state: maximum extension of three years


17-3-1, 2, 2.1

Forcible rape: 15; Homicide: none; crimes punishable by death or life imprisonment: 7 years; others: 4 years; crimes against victims under 14 years: 18; with victims under 16 years old for crimes such as rape, sodomy, incest and sexual abuse (occurring after 7.1.92), the limitation shall become effective after the child reaches age 16 or when the violation is reported , whichever comes first. If the DNA evidence establishing the identity of the accused in armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, aggravated sexual abuse of minors, aggravated sodomy, aggravated sexual assault: no

2 years

Non resident; when the author or the crime is unknown



Murder in the first or second degree attempted murder or first or second degree murder or inciting: none; murder when the death was not due to the operation of a motor vehicle: 10 years; Class A felony: 6 years; other: 3 years; if fraud or breach of fiduciary duty is an element: From 2-6 year extension after the discovery; if based on inappropriate behavior in public office: 2 to 3 years before the discovery extension

Misdemeanor or infraction Parking: 2 years; misdemeanors: 1 Year

Continually absent from the state or without residence or reasonably ascertainable use within the state, while the trial was pending: maximum extension of 4 years; pending trial


19-401, and subsequent

Murder, homicide, rape: none; other serious crimes and offenses against a minor: 5 years; sexual abuse or lascivious conduct with a child under 16 years of age: 5 years after the child turns 18; repeated abuse of a child: 3 years after the initial complaint of the victim

1 year

Absent state


720 ILCS 5 / 3-5; 5 / 3-7

Murder in the first or second degree, attempted first-degree murder, incitement to commit murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, treason, arson, forgery: none; other: 3 years Requirements extended in case of: theft victim a minor or legally incapacitated, during the minority of legal age or disability or within one year of completion; misconduct in public office: within one year of discovery, maximum 3-year extension; incestuous sexual conduct or penetration of a minor: 1 year after the victim’s 18th birthday; child pornography, indecent incitement or pimping of minors, sexual abuse of a minor: within 1 year after the victim turns 18, at least 3 years; penetration or sexual conduct in a professional or fiduciary relationship: 1 year after the discovery of the victim; hazardous waste violations: 5 years after the discovery; criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual abuse 10 years or 2 years in the complaint; criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual abuse or failure to report such offenses under the Act Allegations of Abuse and Neglect: 20 years after the victim turns 18; any offense involving sexual conduct or penetration of a minor, in which the offender’s DNA profile is entered into the database within 10 years, the victim reported within two years (unless receive longer under the law) and the identity of the offender is unknown: no

18 months

Pending prosecution of non-resident



Murder, felony Class A: None; others felony class B, C, D, falsification of a payment instrument: 5 years; child abuse (if the person is at least 16 years and the victim is no more than 2 years younger: 5 years), indirect sexual satisfaction, inducement or enticement of a minor, incest when the alleged victim turns 31 years old ; the class B felony and C are extended one year after DNA testing revealed or should have revealed the identity of the offender

2 years

Nonresident, absent the state, hiding himself or the evidence of the crime; the prosecution is considered appropriate if the defendant pleads guilty at any time


802.1, and subsequent

Murder in the first and second: none; other: 3 years; sexual abuse in the first, second, or third degree committed against a person under 18 years within 10 years after the victim’s 18th birthday; other sexual abuse in the first, second, third grade: 10 years; incest with children under 18 years within 10 years after the victim’s 18th birthday; sexual exploitation by psychologist or therapist: 10 years, unless the victim is under 18; in that case, 10 years after the victim’s 18th birthday; fraud or breach of fiduciary duty: extension of up to three years.

Felony child: 3 years single misdemeanor or violation of ordinances: 1 Year

Out of state or non-resident



Homicide: none; if the victim is the pension system for civil servants in Kansas: 10 years; victim under 16, indecent liberties with a minor, inciting minors, incest or sexual exploitation of children and all rape and aggravated criminal sodomy: 5 years or within 1 year after DNA testing to determine the identity of the offender then whichever is later; others: 2 years; Arson: 5 years

2 years

Absent or hidden state within the state; concealed crime



Felony: no

1 year


Proc. California Civil, sect. 571 et seq, 572, 575

Crimes punishable by death or life imprisonment: none; felony punishable by hard labor: 6; not necessarily felony punishable with hard labor: 4 years; forcible rape, no; rape, sexual assault (aggravated), sexual intercourse, indecent behavior or sexual abuse, crime against nature to a victim under 17 years of age: 10 years after the victim turns 18

Fines or confiscation: 6 months; fine or imprisonment: 2 years

Evades detection, escape, out of state, absent of residence in the state, lack of mental capacity to be prosecuted


Title 17-A §8

Murder, murder in the first or second degree, incest, rape or serious sexual assault if the victim is under 16 years of age: no; offenses of class A, B, C: 6; Class D crimes, E: 3 years; if there is breach of fiduciary duty: 1 year maximum extension: 5 years; misconduct of staff: 2 years, maximum extension: 5 years

Absent from the state or prosecution pending in the state: maximum 5-year extension


Proc. & Jud. California Civil, §§5-106, 107

Homicide: none; homicide or vehicular manslaughter, medical or Medicare fraud, tax-related crime, sexual discrimination in the payment of salaries, compensation related to the adoption, unauthorized practice of medicine: three years; criminal offense under state election laws, laws on conflicts of interest or abuse of criminal authority from state official (or conspiracy thereof): 2 years; assault, libel or defamation verbal: 1 Year

Misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment: none; other misdemeanors: 1 year; vehicles violations by illegal use of a driver’s license or fraudulent use of a false name when applying for a driver’s license: 2 years; violation of the Sabbath, drunk or sale of alcoholic beverages after hours or a minor in Allegany County: 30 days


cap. 277§63

Homicide: none; robbery, attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon or murder: 10 years; rape, assault with intent to rape, rape / abuse / assault of a child: 15 years others: 6; indecent assault on a minor, mentally retarded person, rape / abuse / assault of minors, abduction, sexual offenses, such as drugging the victim to have sex, marriage tempting, inducing minors to prostitution, behavior or acts lewd, dissemination of harmful material to minors, display of nudity or crimes against nature: when the victim turns 16 years of age or denouncing the violation, whichever comes first

6 years

It is suspended when the defendant does not reside in general and public



Homicide: none; kidnapping, extortion, assault with intent or conspiracy to murder: 10 years; others: 6; if the victim was under 18 years for any degree of sexual conduct or assault with intent to commit sexual conduct or sexual abuse material and activities a child: 10 years or when the victim turns 21 years of age, whichever occurs then; if DNA tests were obtained: no until the offender is identified, then, 10 years after the identification or when the victim turns 21, whichever is later.

6 years

Non-resident, non-resident generally and public



Homicide: none; bribery, health care fraud, theft: 6 years (if the value of goods / services stolen exceeds $ 35,000: 5 years); family sexual abuse, criminal sexual conduct: 9 years or if the victim is under 18 years of age, within 3 years after; if DNA tests were obtained and can be analyzed: anytime after reporting the crime; arson, environmental crimes: five years; all others: 3 years

3 years

No resident or ordinarily resident in the state



Murder, arson, burglary, forgery, theft, rape, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses of Ownership: none; felony assault or abuse of minors, sexual assault of a child, exploitation of children, children with lewd touching purposes: before the child turns 21; all others: 2 years

2 years

Absent in the state, fleeing, hiding



Murder or felony Class A: None; other: 3 years; illicit sexual offenses with a person under 17 years of age: 10 years; if fraud or breach of fiduciary duty is an essential element of the offense: 1 to 3 years after the discovery; misconduct of an official: 2 to 3 years after the crime or public employment

1 year; infringements: 6 months

Absent in the state, hidden: maximum extension of three years; pending for the same conduct, the prosecution lacks mental fitness: maximum extension of three years


45-1-205; 45-1-206

Deliberate or negligent homicide mitigated: none; other: 5 years; sexual assault, sexual intercourse without consent, indecent exposure, aberrant sexual behavior, incest, sexual abuse or repeated abuse of a child if the victim is under 18 years old at the time of the crime: within 5 years after the victim reaches 18 years old; theft involving breach of fiduciary duty: within one year of discovery or involving a minor, within 1 year of age; illegal use of computers: within 1 year of the discovery of the crime

1 year; misdemeanor with fish, wildlife or wildlife laws activity: within three years after the crime committed

When the offender does not reside general and public manner in the state, or beyond the jurisdiction of the state; pending prosecution for the same conduct



Murder, treason, arson, forgery: none; other: 3 years; if the victim is under 16 years of age at the time of the crime, sexual assault (first, second or third degree), kidnapping, false imprisonment, child abuse, pimping, seduce a minor: 7 years the crime or after the child reaches 16 years of age, whichever is later

18 months; if a fine of less than $ 100 or imprisonment for a term of less than 3 months: one year

Escape justice


171 080 et seq

Homicide: none; theft, robbery, arson, burglary, forgery, sexual assault: 4 years; other: 3 years; sexual abuse of a child: when the victim turns 21 years old or 28 years old if “it is not discovered or reasonably should not be discovered” that was a victim

Felony child: 2 years other: 1 Year

The trial begins when the indictment is presented


625 8

Homicide: none; felony or Class A or B misdemeanor unemployment insurance: 6 years; crime hunting or animal skin or rape with ATVs: 3 years; breach of fiduciary duty: within 1 year after the crime; misconduct of an official: within two years of the offense; sexual assault and related offenses when the victim is under 18 years within 22 years after 18 years of the victim

1 year; violations: 3 months

State absent without residence or employment in the state; pending prosecution for the same conduct


2C: 1-6;

Homicide: none; an official misconduct, bribery and related offenses: 7 years; other: 5 years; if the victim is under 18, the prosecution of sexual assault should begin within 5 years after the victim turns 18, criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of children

Minor offense or misdemeanor for disorderly conduct: 1 Year

Escape justice; pending prosecution for the same conduct


08/01/30 and subsequent

Capital or grave crime of first degree: None; second grade: 6; third and fourth grade: 5 years; other: 3 years; child abuse, criminal sexual penetration or sexual contact with minors criminal: until the victim reaches 18 years of age or is alleged crime, whichever comes first

2 years; misdemeanor: 1 Year

Flee from justice or if the offender does not reside general and public manner in the state; listed procedural defects; when DNA evidence obtained and the suspect has not been identified by criminal sexual penetration, the period shall run until a DNA profile matches a suspect


Proc. California Civil, §30.10

Murder, felony Class A: None; other: 5 years; violation collection, treatment, garbage disposal and solid waste: 4 years; breach of fiduciary duty: within 1 year of the discovery of the offense; misconduct of an official: five years of crime

2 years; misdemeanors: 1 year; misdemeanor on tax law: 3 years (Administrative Code of the City of New York)

Absent in the state or missing: 5 years




Malicious lesser offense: none; others: 2 years


01.04.29 at 04

Homicide: none; sexual abuse of children: 7 years or within 3 years of the reporting of the offense; other: 3 years; if the victim is under 15 years of age, the limitation period begins when you turn 15 years

2 years

Absent in the state



Murder or aggravated murder: none; others: 6; fraud or breach of fiduciary duty: within 1 year of the discovery of the offense; misconduct of an official: within 2 years; homicide, rape with kidnapping, sexual assault, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor claiming prostitution, arson, robbery, burglary, aggravated riot, assault or aggravated criminal or a law enforcement officer, criminal assault or conspiracy or attempt commit any of the above: 20 years

2 years.; misdemeanor: 6 months

Absent in the state or hides the identity or whereabouts or discover corpus delicti; pending prosecution for the same conduct


Title 22 §151-153

Homicide: none; bribery, embezzlement or misappropriation of public money or other assets, falsification of public documents, conspiracy to defraud the state or other subdivision, rape or forcible sodomy; obscene or indecent proposals or acts against crime and pornography involving minors, sodomy: 7 years; (If obtained extending and preserving DNA: within 3 years have determined the identity of the offender through DNA testing); criminal conspiracy, embezzlement, criminal violations of state income tax: 5 years; all others: 3 years

3 years

Absent in the state or non-resident status


131 125, 145, 155

Homicide: none; sexual crimes including abuse, criminal sexual abuse in the first and second degree, rape, sodomy, incest, promotion or obligation to prostitution: 6 years or if the victim was under 18 years old at the time of the crime, at any time before the victim turns 24 years old, whichever comes first; others: 3 years

Minor sexual offenses: sexual abuse in the third degree or shipping, delivery, exhibition or display of obscene material to minors: four years after reporting the crime or the victim is under 18 years of age, when they turn 22 years, whichever comes first

Absent in the state, it hides within the state, not resident in the state; maximum extension of three years


Title 42 §5551-5554

Murder, voluntary manslaughter, conspiracy to murder, incitement to murder and results of homicide, felony related to qualified first or second degree vehicular homicide homicide: none; felony or conspiracy or incitement to commit a felony: 5 years; others: 2 years; fraud or breach of fiduciary duty: 3 years; misconduct of an official: 8; sexual crime against a minor: the limitation period begins when the child turns 18; serious sexual offenses: 12 years

2 years; summary offenses: 30 days

Absent in the state; without verifiable residence or place of business within the state; pending prosecution for the same conduct


12-12-17; 18/12/12

Treason against the state; murder, arson, burglary, forgery, imitation, rape, sexual assault, child abuse, bigamy, manufacture, sale, distribution or possession of controlled substances or conspiracy of any of the above: None; theft, embezzlement, bribery, extortion, blackmail, conspiracy antitrust violation or any of the above: 10 years; garbage disposal violations or hazardous waste or water pollution: 7 years; others: 3 years

3 years

Information stolen, lost or destroyed: extending one year limitation period


No statute of limitations for any criminal prosecution


23A-42-1, and subsequent

Murder, felony Class A, B or first grade: None; all other public crimes: 7 years

7 years

Absent in the state


40-2-101, et seq

Any crime punishable by death or life imprisonment: none; Class A felony: 15; Class B felony: 8 years; defrauding the state, avoid any tax, fraudulent tax return: 6; Class C felony or D: 4 years; Class E felony: 2 years; other: 3 years; crime against a child: 4 years after the crime was committed or when the child reaches the age of majority, whichever is later; Arson: 8 years;

gambling: 6 months; others: 12 months

Hide the fact of a crime, absent in the state


Proc. California Civil, §12.01; 12.02; 12.05

Murder and sexual assaults certain: none; theft involving fiduciary or official falsifications, sexual assault, indecency with a child: 10 years; misapplication of fiduciary property: 7 years; another robbery, burglary and certain sexual assaults: 5 years; Arson: 7 years; others: 3 years

2 years

Absent in the state, pending a formal summons, complaint information


76-1-301, 304 and subsequent

Felony capital murder, no; another serious crime or homicide through negligence: 4 years; fraud or breach of fiduciary duty, misconduct by staff: 3 years maximum; rape, sodomy or sexual abuse of a minor: within 4 years after reporting the crime; murder, child abuse, aggravated kidnapping, child abduction: none; Violent crime: no if the identity of the perpetrator is unknown but DNA tests that could identify the person later (this does not apply if the statute of limitations began to run the May 5, 2003, unchanged shown) are obtained once made the identification, within a year if the prescription has expired; misuse of public funds, falsification or alteration of public records, bribery: 2 years after the facts were reported to prosecutors

Two years; offenses: 1 year

Absent in the state


Title 13 §§4501, and subsequent

Arson followed by death, kidnapping, manslaughter, aggravated sexual assault: none; Homicide: 6; Arson: 11 years; sexual assault, lewd and lascivious behavior, sexual exploitation of children, theft, robbery, house robbery embezzlement, forgery, bribery, false statements, fraud, serious tax offenses: 6; sexual assault or lewd and lascivious behavior towards children under 16 years: 6 years or after the child reaches age 24, whichever comes first; others: 3 years

3 years

The prosecution begins when the arrest is made, the summons is issued, the indictment or information is presented



Homicide: none; Animal Cruelty: 5 years (except for agricultural animals: 1 year); misrepresentation under the Unemployment Compensation Act of Virginia for benefits, or lack attempt to evade tax payment, violation of laws: dump, dump or release of toxic substances, violation of the rules of the Virginia Real Estate Board , illegal sale of wild birds, animals and freshwater fish: 3 years; embezzlement, violations of the Code of Construction: 2 years; violation of the Disclosure Act Campaign Financing: within one year of discovery, maximum 3 years after the crime

Petty Theft: 5 years; attempted abortion: 2 years; other: 1 Year

Flee from justice or hiding to avoid arrest



Murder, arson followed by death: none; abuse homicide, vehicular manslaughter, vehicular assault causing death, injury / accident followed by death and flight: none; improper conduct of public officials, arson: 10 years; if rape is reported within the first year of appointment: 10 years, or if the victim is under 14 years of age, three years after the victim turns 18, whichever is later; whether rape was not reported within the first year: three years or if the victim is under 14 years of age, three years after the victim turns 18 years of age, but no more than 7 years after a rape; child molestation, indecent liberties, incest if the victim is under 14 years of age, three years after the victim turns 18, but not more than seven years after the crime; leader of organized crime or criminal speculation: 6; Class C felony: 5 years; bigamy and all other serious crimes: 3 years

serious misdemeanors: 2 years; other crimes: one year

It is not publicly resident




Minor theft or perjury: 3 years; other: 1 Year

Formal Citation stolen, lost or destroyed



Homicide: none; first-degree intentional homicide or reckless: no; intentional infliction of bodily injury, recklessly causing physical damage, not prevent injury, mental harm, coercion with physical or mental harm or delivery or sale of a controlled substance to a minor: before the child turns 26; others: 6; sexual assault, physical abuse that causes sexual exploitation, incest, temptation or incitement to prostitution of a minor: before the victim reaches 31 years of age; if obtained DNA testing that can identify the offender, within 1 year after identification if collected before the expiry of the prescription

Misdemeanors or adultery: 3 years

No resident publicly; if the victim is unable to seek the issuance of a demand, excluding the period of time due to threats, etc .; pending prosecution for the same act


No statute of limitations for any criminal prosecution


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