Categories: Legal News

Sexting And Child Pornography Laws How to Protect Teens

Unfortunately, this law is now getting quite a few teens in trouble as well. Because the law states that having possession of a photo of an underage kid is considered child pornography, more and more teens are finding themselves being labelled as sex offenders for sending their boyfriend a racy photograph.

Lawmakers are aware that this is happening, but find it difficult to change the laws for fear that it will give more leniency to those that are sexual predators.

Because of that, communities and parents need to protect their teens from a mistake that could last a lifetime. Here are a few steps from a professional lawyer that could prevent teens from being labelled as sex offenders.

Inform them of the risk

Most teens know that they should not be sexting or sending nude photos, but they are still doing it. They assume that the consequences might get them grounded, or get their phone taken away. Most teenagers do not even realize that a simple selfie could result in being labelled as a sex offender for years, or that it could get them some jail time.

That is why it is important for caregivers, parents and schools to let the kids know the risk they are taking. They are not just risking being exposed, they are risking their freedom the second they take their clothes off and snap a picture.

Learning about the laws and the consequences of their actions is usually enough to deter teens from this illegal behavior. If necessary, schedule an appointment with a lawyer that specializes in the area. A lawyer can inform them of their rights, and they can explain the laws in detail. If it's not enough, here are a few other things that parents and schools can try.

Remind them about being exposed

If there's one thing a teenager hates, it's being publicly embarrassed. Remind teens that once they send a picture to someone online, that other person can have it forever. Once a relationship is over, the other person may be angry and use it against them by exposing them online.

Facebook, Instagram and other popular social media channels like SnapChat have all become sources for teenagers to expose people, and to vent. Posting a naked picture may result in their account getting deleted, but most teens are so angry they think it's worth it, and they won't hesitate to hit the share button on their phone.

Even after another person's account is deleted, the people that already saw the photo or video will not forget about it, even if a lawyer manages to get them out of facing charges.

Enroll them in educational programs about sexting

Sometimes, children listen to other people better than they do their parents. In this situation, it's important that teenagers listen, which is why programs about sexting were created. These can be found in several counties, and provide teenagers with the education that they need from professionals that are used to working with teenagers.

When teenagers have an adult they can effectively communicate with, and one that isn't going to ground them if they admit to previous sexting, they are more likely to both open up and listen. These programs have proven to be successful in decreasing the number of teens that are facing child pornography charges because of sexting.

If there are not programs available in the area, reconsider taking them to talk to a lawyer about the consequences of their actions.

If a teenager is facing child pornography charges because of sexting, it is important to seek the help of a professional lawyer that specializes in child pornography charges to give them a better chance at not being forced to register as a sex offender or being convicted of possessing pornography for making a simple mistake like sexting.

John Grasso is an experienced attorney in Rhode Island with a wealth of experience in sex related crimes, long term jail sentences and violent crimes. A high quality education provided Grasso with all of the knowledge he needed to become a well-recognized trial attorney in Rhode Island, and previous experience as a police officer gave him the passion for justice that he still has today. Free consultations are offered for clients that need advice on moving forward with a case, would like to understand the charges that are against them, and for any individual that needs to speak with a professional. Consultations can be schedule via the phone or by utilizing a contact form on his website. Visit Us :


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