Categories: Legal News

What to do When Facing Criminal Charges For The First Time

People facing serious charges need to keep these things in mind.

Don't say anything

It doesn't matter if the police sit a person in a room for hours questioning them, it's important not to say anything. Things can easily be misunderstood, and result in the police thinking that they have a confession. It does not matter what they police say, what evidence they say they have, or what the charges are, it's important to not say anything, especially if the person facing charges is guilty.

A simple remark could get a person into more trouble. For example, if a person is accused of breaking and entering, and they sarcastically say that they break into houses in their spare time, this can be used against them and labelled as a confession.

This may sound extreme, but it does happen.

Get an attorney

Along with not saying anything, people need to get an attorney. A criminal attorney in Rhode Island can advise people as to what they should, and should not, say. They will receive a discover packet showing the evidence that the police have, which may have things that the client will not receive.

A criminal attorney in Rhode Island can review the case and then provide those facing charges with advise about the best course of action.

Don't plead guilty

If it's going to take some time to get a criminal lawyer, don't plead guilty. Remember, a person can always change their plea from not guilty to guilty at a later date. They cannot change their plea from guilty to not guilty, though.

Because of that, it's always a good idea to stick with a not guilty plea until a person can obtain legal advice from a trusted professional that has previous experience in criminal cases.

Don't talk about the case

This is the golden rule of a criminal trial, but it's something that people should stick to from the moment they are charged with a crime. Phone conversations are recorded in most jails, and people can talk to the police to tell them what was said. This can be extremely incriminating.

It's important to remember that anything a person says can be used against them, even if it was said in a sarcastic manner.

For example, imagine that a person says that “yeah, I killed him” in a sarcastic way because someone will not stop asking them questions. An attorney can then present this to the jury and state that the person said they killed them. They do not have to say that it was said in a certain context, or that the tone of voice was sarcastic. This will instantly make an innocent person look guilty.

Instead, it's always a good idea not to discuss the case, including with fellow inmates, until there is a verdict and sentencing just to be on the safe side.

Facing serious charges can be scary. Sometimes, people will try to talk their way out of things when they are first questioned by the police, but will wind up incriminating themselves. Other times, people will discuss the case on a recorded phone call and give the prosecutor too much information, which can hurt their case.

Those are just some of the reasons why individuals that are facing serious charges are encouraged to follow these tips, and to make sure that they seek the help of a professional that specializes in their area.

John Grasso is an experienced attorney in Rhode Island with a wealth of experience in sex related crimes, long term jail sentences and violent crimes. A high quality education provided Grasso with all of the knowledge he needed to become a well-recognized trial attorney in Rhode Island, and previous experience as a police officer gave him the passion for justice that he still has today. Free consultations are offered for clients that need advice on moving forward with a case, would like to understand the charges that are against them, and for any individual that needs to speak with a professional. Consultations can be schedule via the phone or by utilizing a contact form on his website. Visit Us :


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